British Columbia & Alberta: $15 Expedited Parcel $30 XPress Post
All other province: $35 Expedited Parcel $70 XPress Post

About us

A lifetime of caring for horses.

“I have been surrounded by horses since I was born.  My family has owned and operated Greystone Stables in Delta, BC since 1983.  Consequently, I have been fortunate to enjoy having horses ‘in my back yard’. 

For over a decade I was on the customer service team at Roddick Feed and Farm Supply. When organizational changes resulted in the closing of the tack store I saw an opportunity… and the idea of Equine Essentials Tack and
Laundry Services was born.

My goal is to provide horses and riders with quality equestrian products and laundry services.  The shop is a friendly place where you are encouraged to browse and enjoy the displays of grooming supplies, apparel for horses and
riders, leather goods and an assortment of supplements and treats. Please do drop by to shop and visit.    Bring your ‘dirty laundry' too."

Alexis Wolzen,
Founder of Equine Essentials Tack and Laundry Services